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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

cognitive development

Understand How Teens Think

We want our children to make wise, well-reasoned decisions. Our desire to keep them safe drives our need to shape those decisions. How we talk to our tweens and teens can make the difference between whether they absorb our lessons Read more >>

Executive Functioning and Learning

Our brains are not fully developed until the mid-20s, so it’s no wonder that our adolescents still need help with the all important executive functioning skills. In this episode, we talk about the often underestimated yet pivotal aspect of cognitive Read more >>

Children’s Sleep Linked to Brain Development

Scientists have long recognized that getting enough sleep during childhood can benefit developing brains. However, the underlying brain mechanisms are not well understood. And although experts say that children ages 6 to 12 should get at least nine hours of Read more >>

5 Tips for Picking a Parenting Book

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. Children are at once joyful, sad, confusing, predictable, generous, selfish, gentle and mean. What’s a parent to do when faced with such perplexing offspring? Given the complex interactions of parent, child and surroundings, parents Read more >>