Resources Tagged With: downloadable

Creating the Space to Talk About Race in Your School [downloadable]

Racial dynamics, disparities and divisions permeate our society, communities, schools and classrooms. Systemic racism is so deeply rooted in our history, culture and institutions that there’s no escaping it. Visible or not, its impacts are ever present. Read more ›

Beyond the Golden Rule: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Prejudice [downloadable]

Whether you are the parent of a 3-year-old who is curious about why a friend’s skin is brown, the parent of a 9-year-old who has been called a slur because of his religion, or the parent of a 15-year-old who snubs those outside of her social clique at school, this book is designed to help you teach your children to honor the differences in themselves and in others — and to reject prejudice and intolerance. Read more ›

Broadening Your Library: Racism and Social Justice Books for Elementary and Middle School Students [downloadable]

It is never too early to talk to children about issues such as racism, diversity, and social injustice. Reading and talking about books provides an entry point to discussing these complex topics. Read more ›

ADHD During Shelter-In-Place: How to Survive and Thrive [video] [downloadable]

In this webinar, Dr. Edward Hallowell, one of the world’s experts on ADHD, spoke about how the key supports for ADHD: therapy, medication, coaching, structure, physical exercise, and connection, are even more important during this difficult period. Read more ›

Behavior Therapy for Children With ADHD [downloadable]

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect a child’s ability to pay attention or sit still at school, and it also can affect relationships with family and other children. Read more ›

Behavior Therapy for Young Children With ADHD: An Overview for Parents and Caregivers [downloadable]

You can help your young child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by learning parenting strategies that encourage positive behaviors and discourage negative ones. Behavior therapy for young children with ADHD gives parents the knowledge and skills they need to help their child succeed. Read more ›

What is DBT? Infographic [downloadable]

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a specific type of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy that was developed by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan. CHC has created an easy-to-read infographic to explain what DBT is and how it works. Read more ›

Play to Learn: Structured Play Is Important to Your Child’s Development [downloadable]

Allowing your child to play is a must! A healthy balance between children playing on their own and having structured play with parents is important for early learning and development. Read more ›

Adventures in Parenting: How to Be a More Effective, Consistent, Active, and Attentive Parent [downloadable]

Adventures in Parenting, a downloadable booklet produced by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), addresses certain struggles and trials of parenting and highlights some of its many rewards. The information is based on decades of research on parenting, as well as the experiences of actual parents and experts in parenting. Read more ›

Report: Safety Tip Lines Flag Bullying, Drug Use, Suicide Risk [downloadable]

More schools are using safety tips lines, but not just for gun violence prevention — the technology is addressing bullying, drug use and suicide risk among students. Read more ›

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