Resources Tagged With: downloadable

Guidebook: Bullying Prevention [downloadable]

YouthTruth has analyzed feedback gathered over three academic years from more than 160,000 students across 27 states about their experiences with bullying. Read more ›

With Suicide Rates on the Rise, Schools Need Better Data to Keep Students Healthy and Safe [downloadbable]

The number of students struggling with anxiety, suicidal ideation, and mental health issues is on the rise. A report released on December 2, 2019, by YouthTruth underscores that programs and services, as well as strong relationships with adults in school, matter to students’ emotional and mental health, and especially to vulnerable populations. Read more ›

MindShift Guide to Understanding Dyslexia [downloadable]

Millions of Americans struggle to read and it’s often because they have dyslexia. An estimated five to 20 percent of kids are dyslexic but some don’t realize it. These students’ dyslexia go unnoticed and they struggle in school with feelings of inadequacy. Others fight to get basic services required by federal law. Read more ›

Fact Sheets About the Unique Needs of Children Who Have Been Adopted [downloadable]

The National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG) has developed two fact sheets about adoption tailored for teachers and pediatric healthcare providers. The fact sheets are designed to raise awareness about the unique needs of children who have been adopted, and to provide concrete tips on how these professionals can effectively work with these children. Read more ›

Anxiety and Twice Exceptional (2e) Child [downloadable]

Students who are twice-exceptional (2e) have tremendous intellectual gifts alongside a wide range of possible learning challenges — attention differences, slow processing speed, social immaturity, and/or weak executive function skills, just to name a few of the possibilities. Read more ›

Report: Making Space for Mental Health on Campus [downloadable]

With guidance from Mental Health America, the Collegiate Mental Health Innovation Council (CMHIC) is made up of students and recent graduates who are finding new ways to make a difference in their communities. Read more ›

California Dyslexia Guidelines [downloadable]

The California Dyslexia Guidelines were published in August, 2017 to assist regular education teachers, special education teachers, and parents in identifying, assessing, and supporting students with dyslexia. Read more ›

Getting the Right Start: Student Guide to Mental Health [downloadable]

Did you know that 1 in 5 youth and young adults lives with a mental health condition? The Student Guide to Mental Health Fact Sheet lists the common warning signs that something is amiss and explains the steps to take if you are worried. Read more ›

What We Can Do About Toxic Stress? [downloadable]

In our communities, everyone depends on each another in so many ways. And, while it might not always seem like it at first, people’s lives are connected by threads that hold us all together. These threads grow stronger when we take on difficult challenges in our lives, such as dealing with the effects of trauma. Read more ›

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