Resources Tagged With: downloadable

lifesuccess 406

Life Success For Students with Learning Disabilities: A Parent’s Guide [downloadable]

lifesuccess 406LD OnLine offers a guide for parents on how to help their children succeed titled Life Success for Students with Learning Disabilities: A Parent’s Guide. It was developed by the Frostig Center and based on more than twenty years of ground-breaking research on the lives of children and adults with learning disabilities. This is offered to you as part of LD OnLine’s efforts to bring you the latest research to help you raise your children with learning disabilities. Read more ›

ANationatHope 391
CDE social emotional346

California Department of Education: Social Emotional Learning Resource Guide [downloadable]

CDE social emotional346There is a growing body of research proving that social and emotional learning (SEL) is fundamental to academic success, and must be woven into the work of every teacher in every classroom and every after school and summer enrichment program, if we truly want to prepare all our students for college and careers. Read more ›

executivefunction101ebook 345

Executive Function 101 e-Book [downloadable]

Each of us navigates daily life — learning, work, recreation and relationships — thanks to intrinsic skills called executive functions. Read more ›


Bullying and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs [downloadable]

bullying343Children with disabilities—such as physical, developmental, intellectual, emotional, and sensory disabilities—are at an increased risk of being bullied. Any number of factors— physical vulnerability, social skill challenges, or intolerant environments—may increase the risk. Research suggests that some children with disabilities may bully others as well. Read more ›


Reframing Classroom Management: A Toolkit for Educators [downloadable]

classroommanagement339Effective classroom management is critical to supporting student engagement and achievement. Reframing Classroom Management, a teaching resource created by Learning for Justice, offers educators a variety of tools to help demystify common behaviors and reinforce what works. Read more ›


Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network [web resource] [downloadable]

GLSEN335GLSEN (pronounced “glisten”) stands for the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, a national education organization working to create safe schools for all students. Read more ›


Bullying Resources from the California State Department of Education [downloadable]

bullying334These frequently asked questions about bullying are extracted from key concepts presented in the California Department of Education’s publication titled Bullying at School (PDF)They are easy to adapt and provide information for educators, students, families, and community safety partners who wish to educate themselves and others about effective measures to prevent bullying and respond to it. Read more ›


Why Is My Teen Always Tired? Nutritional Strategies for Improving Mood, Energy and Academics [video] [downloadable]

Does your teen always seem to be tired? Learn about the nutritional causes for low energy and fatigue in adolescents. Read more ›


Bold, Happy, and Whole During the Holiday Season [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

BoldHappyWholeHolidays285In this workshop, Kanesha Baynard  pinpoints hidden holiday stressors and helps parents create support structures for the “here we go again” moments of dread, and map out a holiday wellness plan that will help you feel whole—instead of depleted—as you navigate the holiday season. Read more ›

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