Resources Tagged With: downloadable


Learning Differences — Anxiety and Depression [downloadable]

Did you know that 1 in 5 kids has a learning difference—and 40% of kids with learning differences (LD) also have a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression? Learn more about intersection of learning differences and anxiety and depression and the ways in which CHC can help. Read more ›


Building the Core Skills Youth Need for Life: A Guide for Education and Social Service Practitioners [downloadable]

executivefunctionharvard225All youth need to develop a set of core life skills to manage school, work, outside interests, and social relationships successfully. From the perspective of brain development, these skills include planning, focus, self-control, awareness, and flexibility—also known as “executive function” and “self-regulation” skills. Read more ›

Dyslexia Fact Sheet [downloadable]

What is dyslexia? This one-page fact sheet from provides essential information about what dyslexia is and is not and how to help kids with dyslexia. Read more ›

Resources for Developing Inclusive Schools [web resource] [downloadable]

When students feel safe at school, they can thrive. Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, offers an array of free resources designed to help educators and administrators create a welcoming school community. Read more ›

Great Diverse Books For Your School, Library or Home [web resource] [downloadable]

A simple way to let students and families know that your school welcomes everyone is to integrate books into your curriculum that reflect the diversity of your classroom and the world.

Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has created lists of currently available diverse books as a starting point. Each recommendation includes a brief summary and the grade and age-range the book is best suited for. Read more ›


Using the Coach Approach to Connect & Empower Your Student [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

In this session for educators, executive function coach and consultant Vanessa Fasoli from Spark Focus explains how students’ executive function skills can be fostered through coaching techniques and strategies. Read more ›


Developmental Milestones Checklists for Infants and Young Children [downloadable]

devmilestones210Developmental milestones are behaviors and skills that most children demonstrate at a given age. It’s important to note that all children develop differently. Milestone checklists provide examples of typical development progress at that age. Read more ›


Early Learning: Resources for Parents [downloadable]

reading198Learning begins in the womb. And, from the moment they are born, children begin interacting with the world around them and building critical skills. What they learn in their first few years of life—and how they learn it—can have long-lasting effects on their health and on their later success in school and in work.

Early learning refers to the skills and concepts that children develop before they reach kindergarten. It is a crucial part of development and can set patterns for both school and adult learning. Read more ›

Loofbourrow_ADHD isaSuperpower

EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: ADHD is a Superpower! Believe It and Change Our World! [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

Be inspired by hearing about the unique ways you can add value because of your ADHD—with your friends, family, work, school, community, and the world. The presenter, Ross Loofbourrow, was diagnosed in elementary school with ADHD and auditory processing issues. Learn best practices for thriving and sharing your strengths on your journey with attention and learning issues. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Family Dynamics [presentation] [downloadable]

Presenters Jude Wolf, Ed.D., Lori Krauss, and Nathan Fernandez share strategies and approaches used to ensure success throughout the life-span. Read more ›

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