Resources Tagged With: downloadable


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Advocacy in Action—Sharing Your Story to Make Change [presentation] [downloadable]

Meghan Whittaker, National Center for Learning Disabilities‘ Policy & Advocacy Manager and Robert Stephens, Sr. Manager, Federal Relations, share the latest federal policy developments relating to K-12 and college education for students with learning and attention issues and the opportunities for parents to take action and effect change on a large scale. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Preparing for an IEP Meeting [presentation] [downloadable]

Natasha Quiroga, Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law and PREP Director, covers the IEP process and outline steps to take before, during, and after the IEP meeting. Be better prepared to fully participate in upcoming IEP meetings and advocate for your child’s needs. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Preparing Kids for Launch [presentation] [downloadable]

Executive functioning is critical as students move into adulthood and prepare for college.  Yet, there is an epidemic of disorganized teens — students who are overwhelmed when they need to, for example, schedule their own appointments, get a driver’s license, apply for a job, or just get to class on time.  How do parents teach these executive skills to their teens when they may not want to listen? Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Support the Growth of Executive Functioning Skills [presentation] [downloadable]

This workshop provides tips and tricks to support executive function skill development for yourself, your child or your students.  Also see the downloadable handouts for strategies, resources and technical supports. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Speaking the College Language —How to be a Savvy Student [downloadable]

speakingcollegelanguage100Many students transitioning from high school to college are unaware of post-secondary terminologies that play a crucial role in successful navigation of the post-secondary landscape. This is particularly true of students with learning and attention issues, who are focused on just getting to class on time, completing homework and accessing accommodations. Students need to build awareness of strategic approaches for self-help beyond ADA accommodations. Read more ›

Community Education

Does Your Classroom Foster a Growth Mindset? [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

In this Community Education class for educators, middle school teacher Elaine Antipuesto discusses why a growth mindset is important and how you can foster a growth mindset in your classroom. Read more ›

human rights campaign

Human Rights Campaign [web resource]

human rights campaignHuman Rights Campaign (HRC) advocates for LGBTQ equality and educates the public about LGBTQ issues. Being supported at home, in school and in the community is important for all children and youth – especially lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning/queer (LGBTQ) youth. From creating an inclusive learning environment for students – whether a student is in the process of transitioning or she has two moms – to understanding the challenges and resiliency of LGBTQ youth, HRC provides a wealth of resources for supporting LGBTQ youth. Read more ›

Yale Center Dyslexia

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity [web resource] [downloadable]

Yale Center DyslexiaThe Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity conducts dyslexia research, and it is a leading source of advocacy and information to better the lives of people with dyslexia. Read more ›

Talk. They Hear You. Underage Drinking Prevention [website] [downloadable]

Talk. They Hear You. is a campaign from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that aims to reduce underage drinking among youth ages 9 to 15 by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to start addressing the issue of alcohol with their children early. campaign  to help parents and caregivers talk to their children early about the dangers of alcohol. Read more ›

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Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children [downloadable]

/Users/lori/Desktop/photos for CHC articles/supportingcaringfortransgender.pngThe American Academy of Pediatrics supports policies that are gender-affirming for children – an approach that is supported by other key professional organizations.

In 2016, the AAP joined with other organizations to produce the document, Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children, “a guide for community members and allies to ensure that transgender young people are affirmed, respected, and able to thrive.” Read more ›

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