Resources Tagged With: downloadable

36 Questions That Can Help Kids Make Friends [downloadable]

The young teen years are a ripe time for forming friendships. It’s an age when kids are particularly focused on peer relationships and social status, developing their sense of identity and social skills. Read more ›

Teen Depression: More Than Just Moodiness [downloadable]

Being a teenager can be tough, but it shouldn’t feel hopeless. If you have been feeling sad most of the time for a few weeks or longer and you’re not able to concentrate or do the things you used to enjoy, talk to a trusted adult about depression. Read more ›

NetSmartz Internet Safety [web resource] [downloadable] [video]

NetSmartz is an interactive, educational program developed by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC). NetSmartz provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children, tweens, and teens how to be safer on- and offline. Read more ›

Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students [downloadable] [web resource]

An LGBTQ-inclusive school benefits all students. Seeing LGBTQ identities valued in the classroom, in the curriculum and in day-to-day interactions inspires empathy, understanding and respect. Read more ›

Strengthening Families and the Protective Factors Framework [downloadable]

At its heart, Strengthening Families is about how families are supported to build key protective factors that enable children to thrive. The five protective factors at the foundation of Strengthening Families also offer a framework for changes at the systems, policy and practice level – locally, statewide and nationally. Read more ›

New Free Family-Oriented Early-Literacy Apps [downloadable]

Three new early-literacy apps — released for free from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and its Reach Every Reader initiative — are designed for parents and caregivers to use with their children. They’re designed to create fun and rewarding interactions, get families talking, and give children the foundations they need to read, learn, and thrive. Read more ›

How Parents Can Help Children Cope With Trauma [downloadable]

Collective trauma refers to the psychological and emotional distress experienced by a group of people or a community as a result of a shared traumatic event or series of events.

This fact sheet from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) provides guidance on what parents/caregivers can do to care for their children as they cope with collective traumas. Read more ›

Mental Health and Connection Are More Important Than Ever [downloadable]

Children’s Health Council is leading the emotional recovery with learning and mental health services for kids, teens, young adults and families. Our mission-minded experts are committed to transforming lives with courage, connection and compassion. CHC’s areas of excellence include learning differences, ADHD, anxiety and depression and autism. Read more ›

Relieve Stress With Free Guided Meditations [web resource] [downloadable]

Mindful awareness can be defined as paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. It is an excellent antidote to the stresses of modern times. Read more ›

Could Your Child Have a Learning Difference?

Does your child have difficulty following directions, struggle with organization, or have trouble focusing on and completing schoolwork?  The following checklist can help you determine whether your child should be assessed for a learning difference. Read more ›

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