Resources Tagged With: educator resource

Trans Youth Equality Foundation [web resource]

The Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy and support for transgender, nonbinary and gender non-conforming children and youth and their families. Read more ›

Distracted Students? Understanding These 3 Myths of Attention Span Can Help

How many times per day do you check your phone? According to Gloria Mark, psychologist and author of Attention Span, people swipe from screen to screen about 566 times per day, and about half of those switches are self-motivated, meaning they weren’t prompted by a notification. Read more ›

6 Ways Educators Can Bolster Boys’ Social Skills

At a time when rates of loneliness are rising among young adults and researchers report that 15- to 24-year-olds spend nearly 70% less time socializing in-person with friends than they did two decades ago, boys face some distinct challenges. Read more ›

10 Hacks to Boost Teens’ Executive Function Skills and Manage Screen Time

Teens’ focus is interrupted, on average, every 90 seconds. Something as simple as an audible notification can draw focus away from a task.  In schools, multiple distractions across the classroom create an almost impossible task of staying on topic and focused

These distractions aren’t only frustrating for educators, research shows they reduce cognitive efficiency. School psychologist Rebecca Branstetter offered 10 tips and hacks to help boost teen’s executive function skills and manage screen time. Read more ›

Dear Stress, I’m Over You. [downloadable]

Dear Stress is a resource to help young people manage stress with three easy strategies – available in English and Spanish. This toolkit includes two sizes for sharing as a handout or small poster and includes a slide deck that can be used as a companion classroom activity. Read more ›

Dual Language Learners: Resources for Educators and Caregivers [web resource]

These resources from the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center offer information and guidance on the needs of children who are acquiring two or more languages at the same time or are learning a second language while developing their first. Read more ›

Bilingual Books for Emergent Bilinguals

Bilingual books are not about simply placing the books in your library and hoping they will get utilized by your students. Likewise, the books are not an answer to diversity issues in your classroom teaching. Bilingual books deal with the same issues that monolingual books address: colorism, gender, and more. Read more ›

Emergent Bilingual Students: Shifting to An Asset Model of Instruction

For years, ELL students have been regarded as students who come with a deficit, or gaps, in their knowledge. The assumption is that these students must be taught English in order to assimilate into our culture and ultimately be successful in school. On the other hand, to regard these students as “emergent bilingual,” suggests that there is value in their native language and cultural background, in addition to other contributions they bring to the classroom. Read more ›

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning [downloadable]

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning from Education Development Center (EDC) draws on current research into how children learn, giving educators promising practices for supporting the diverse needs of young learners. Read more ›

Tackling Unhealed Trauma

Many young people growing up in American cities and neighborhoods shaped by violence experience persistent traumatic stress which impacts their learning, development, and mental health, through no fault of their own. The scope and complexity of the problem means there will never be enough therapists to cope with it, according to Shawn Ginwright, a Harvard Graduate School of Education scholar. Read more ›

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