Resources Tagged With: educator resource

Word Attack Strategies to Boost Reading Skills [presentation] [video]

Do you see a child struggling to read the words in a book or in class?  In this Community Education session for educators, learn how to identify a student with word attack struggles and helpful strategies that can make them a more successful reader. Read more ›

Social Contracts Foster Community in the Classroom [video]

When students and teachers collaborate to create shared behavior expectations, the whole class is invested in the norms. Read more ›

Books to Help Kids and Teens Deal with Challenges [web resource]

Magination Press was created out of a desire to publish innovative books that would help children deal with the many challenges and problems they face as they grow up.

Written for ages 4 through 18, these books deal with topics ranging from the everyday — starting school, shyness, normal fears, and a new baby in the house — to more serious problems, such as divorce, attention deficit disorder, depression, serious injury or illness, autism, trauma, death, and much more. Read more ›

Why Teachers Are So Excited About the Power of Sketchnoting

Most of us doodle at one time or another… Sketchnoting, or visual note-taking, can transform those doodles into a tool that helps our students deepen their understanding of a concept. Are you interested in bringing visual note-taking into your classroom? Read on!
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Fact Sheets About the Unique Needs of Children Who Have Been Adopted [downloadable]

The National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG) has developed two fact sheets about adoption tailored for teachers and pediatric healthcare providers. The fact sheets are designed to raise awareness about the unique needs of children who have been adopted, and to provide concrete tips on how these professionals can effectively work with these children. Read more ›

Anxiety and Twice Exceptional (2e) Child [downloadable]

Students who are twice-exceptional (2e) have tremendous intellectual gifts alongside a wide range of possible learning challenges — attention differences, slow processing speed, social immaturity, and/or weak executive function skills, just to name a few of the possibilities. Read more ›

5 Strategies to Engage Students with Attention Issues

Engaging students with attention issues and ADHD—rather than just managing their behavior—should be a goal for every teacher. Teachers worry, though, that they will have to create a separate curriculum or otherwise alter how they teach. Read more ›

Best Classroom Practices to Support Growth of Executive Function Skills in Students [presentation] [video]

In this session for educators, Cindy Lopez, Director of Community Connections at CHC and Founding Head of Sand Hill School, discusses the best classroom practices to nurture the growth of Executive Function skills in your students (grades 4-8). You’ll learn about practical ways to structure and set up your classroom to support students’ management of time and materials, so that they can learn more effectively. Read more ›

U.S. Department of Education Announces New Grant Awards to Address School Safety and Improve Access to Mental Health Services

The U.S. Department of Education announced $71.6 million in new funding to enhance safety in schools and improve student access to mental health resources. The Depart of Education made the awards under four grant programs, which support recommendations identified in the final report issued by the Federal Commission on School Safety. Read more ›

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