Resources Tagged With: educator resource

Community Education

Social Emotional Resilience in Children with Dyslexia [presentation]

In this Community Educations session for educators, UCSF School of Medicine’s Dr. Fumiko Hoeft discusses:

– The resilience framework of dyslexia
– Cognitive resilience
– Socio-emotional resilience
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Disability Terms and Definitions Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

IDEAThere are 13 categories that guide how disability is defined under the federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  In order to be eligible for special education and related services as a “child with a disability,” a child’s educational performance must be adversely affected due to the disability. Read more ›

sensory room video still

The Sensory Room: Helping Students with Autism Focus and Learn

Sensory rooms are specially created environments created to provide an immersive sensory experience. For children on the autism spectrum, sensory rooms are designed to have a calming effect that reduces anxiety and improves focus.

This video is part of the Schools That Work series from Edutopia featuring Meriden Public Schools in Connecticut and the ways in which the district has redesigned its special education services. Read more ›


K-12 Sensory Rooms Offer Safe Space for Special Needs

ball-pit-1661374_640Sensory rooms not only help students with special needs feel more comfortable and empowered in the classroom, they may also keep them in their neighborhood schools, according to K-12 administrators.

The carefully designed rooms may include dim lights to help students who are sensitive to light, weighted blankets to give them comfort or a swing they can gently rock on to become calm or spin in a circle for stimulation.

The Council for Exceptional Children says sensory rooms are getting popular in districts to help calm overstimulated or anxious students. Read more ›


Edutopia: Evidence-Based Practices and Strategies for K-12 Educators [web resource]

edutopiaFunded by the George Lucas Educational FoundationEdutopia is dedicated to transforming kindergarten through 12th-grade (K-12) education so all students can thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives. Their focus is on the practices and programs that help students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, skills and beliefs to achieve their full potential. Read more ›

loveisrespect [web resource]

loveisrespectA project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Loveisrespect is a safe, inclusive space for young people to access information and get help in an environment that is designed specifically for them, and to provide information and support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers, and members of law enforcement.

The Loveisrespect website provides comprehensive education on healthy, unhealthy and abusive dating relationships and behaviors, covering topics such as… Read more ›


Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators and School Personnel [downloadble]

justthefactsreportcoverThe American Psychological Association and the other 12 organizations that comprise the Just the Facts Coalition have just published a new edition of “Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators, and School Personnel“.

This booklet is intended to provide principals, educators, and school personnel with accurate information that will help them respond to a recent upsurge in promotion of efforts to change sexual orientation through therapy and religious ministries. This upsurge has been coupled with a demand that these perspectives on homosexuality be given equal time in schools. Read more ›

Be Internet Awesome

Online Safety Computer Game for Kids [web resource] [downloadable]

Be Internet AwesomeGoogle has created Be Internet Awesome, a classroom curriculum and computer game to teach children about online safety and security.

The Be Internet Awesome program helps young people become more Internet savvy and encourages them to be good Internet citizens. A collection of educational materials appropriate for students in the third to fifth grades are also available on the Be Internet Awesome website. Read more ›

Community Education

Cognitive and Social Emotional Resilience in Children with Dyslexia [presentation]

In this Community Educations session for educators, UCSF School of Medicine’s Dr. Fumiko Hoeft discusses:

– The resilience framework of dyslexia
– Cognitive resilience
– Socio-Emotional resilience
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IRIS Center

The IRIS Center [web resource]

IRIS CenterThe IRIS Center is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children—especially those with disabilities— through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions.
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