Resources Tagged With: educator resource

Diversifying Your Classroom Book Collections? Avoid these 7 Pitfalls

As protests against racial injustice spread to communities large and small in this year, many educators have been pushed to examine how systemic racism harms students. Some have publicly proclaimed the steps they will take to create anti-racist schools, including diversifying classroom and library bookshelves. Read more ›

How to Be an Antiracist Educator: An Interview With Ibram X. Kendi

In education, nothing is “neutral” when it comes to race. Lesson plans, edtech tools and learning environments either create more equity among students of different races, or more inequity.

That’s what scholar Ibram X. Kendi told EdSurge in an interview Nov. 30 during the 2020 virtual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education. Read more ›

How to Use TikTok to Engage Students in Learning

TikTok in the classroom need not be a distraction that is banned but, rather, it can be a useful tool in helping teachers reach and engage with students on a deeper and more meaningful level. Read more ›

Improving LGBTQ Representation in Curriculum Reduces Stigma, Bullying

LGBTQ students who go to a school with a GSA on campus reported they were bullied less often on points aside from their gender or sexual orientation. Read more ›

How Can Teachers Nurture Meaningful Student Agency?

The term “student agency” continues to be at the forefront of the educational discourse around the world. By encouraging children to have more control over their learning, educators hope students will leave our classrooms and schools with a range of skills that will support them in being lifelong learners, engaged humanitarians and empathetic people.

As of late, this has become increasingly apparent as teachers and students have pivoted to more distance learning experiences. Read more ›

High School Is Not the Time to Let Up on SEL

In elementary school, it’s common to have social and emotional lessons built into the curriculum, and the research shows that they have a strong, positive impact on student outcomes and school climate. But a 2019 survey of 15,000 K–12 teachers and 3,500 principals confirms what many probably suspect—that by the time kids reach high school, standalone SEL lessons are rare. Read more ›

Translating Dyslexia Support to Distance Learning a Challenge, but Not Impossible

Dyslexia interventions can be replicated virtually with online sensory tools and assistive technology, District Administration reports, noting applications that allow for interactive learning also help students engage in distance learning environments. Read more ›

How 3 School Systems Initiated Antiracist Practices

The growing acknowledgement of racial injustice and systemic racism is leading school districts, schools and individual teachers across the nation to examine and, in some cases, change their policies and approaches. Others, however, don’t know where to start or worry their actions will have no impact. Read more ›

Resources for Virtual Instruction and Online Learning [web resource]

Online professional learning resources are designed to be engaging and practical across a variety of contexts and roles. You deserve a differentiated experience just as much as your students do. Read more ›

How Teachers Can Help Students With Special Needs Navigate Distance Learning

Distance learning is challenging for many learners, but can be even more challenging for students with learning, attention, or social-emotional needs.

As educators and parents, we are tasked with an unprecedented challenge: Figuring out how to reach and teach diverse learners online. It’s not easy. But it’s critical for so many of our students. Read more ›

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