Resources Tagged With: inattention

Distracted Students? Understanding These 3 Myths of Attention Span Can Help

How many times per day do you check your phone? According to Gloria Mark, psychologist and author of Attention Span, people swipe from screen to screen about 566 times per day, and about half of those switches are self-motivated, meaning they weren’t prompted by a notification. Read more ›

7 Strategies to Manage Appetite Loss While Taking Stimulant Medication for ADHD

By Alexa Wilmarth, CHC Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurse Practitioner

It’s no secret that the number one side effect impacting clients with ADHD who take stimulant medication is appetite loss. Most children and adults who take stimulant medication for the treatment of ADHD experience this side effect to one degree or another. Read more ›

Help Your Teen Plan a Rewarding Gap Year

Many teens, especially those with ADHD, benefit from an academic break and successfully transition to college following their gap year. A gap year can provide additional time for emotional maturity, hands-on experience in a field of interest, and space to slowly master living on their own and caring for themselves.

The key to a successful gap year experience is ensuring that your young adult has something to do during this time—whether that includes working, volunteering, traveling, or enrolling in a transition program. Read more ›

The Benefits of a Gap Year for Students with ADHD

The concept of a gap year makes perfect sense: Your stressed-out teen with ADHD takes a year off to mature, gain independence, build skills, and find direction before entering college or starting a career. But isn’t it risky to step off the hamster wheel? Here, an education expert explains why the answer is, “No.” Read more ›

Teachers: A Pivotal Piece of the ADHD Diagnosis Puzzle

by Pardis Khosravi, PsyD, Clinical Director, Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services, CHC

Next to their parents, who spends the most time with kids? Teachers. Educator, mentor, nurturer, inspiration…teachers play many roles in their students’ lives. They are also pivotal players in the ADHD diagnostic process, serving as frontline observers of a child’s behavior in a structured school setting on a daily basis. Read more ›

WVU Researcher Determines ADHD Gives Entrepreneurs An Edge

The brains of people with ADHD function in ways that can benefit them as entrepreneurs, according to research from the West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics. Read more ›

5 Tips to Manage ADHD in Children

Children with ADHD also may struggle with low self-esteem, school anxiety, troubled relationships and poor performance in school. Symptoms sometimes lessen with age. However, some people never completely outgrow their ADHD symptoms. However, they can learn strategies to be successful. Read more ›

Treating and Dealing with ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a condition that often begins between ages 3 and 6, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. And it’s not just a childhood disease. ADHD may continue through the teenage years and into adulthood. Read more ›

How to Motivate and Engage Twice Exceptional Learners

Gifted learners with a learning difference like ADHD are also referred to as twice exceptional or 2e.

The founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, Julie Skolnick, MA, JD, offers tips for working with gifted learners with ADHD. Read more ›

Flipping the Script on ADHD: Find Your Strength in the Workplace and Dispel the Myths Along Your Path

If you have ADHD, you’ve probably been told to look for a job that will accommodate your ADHD weaknesses.

Many people have found careers they love that are different than those said to be “right” for someone with ADHD. You’re one of a kind. Having ADHD is only one facet to consider when choosing a career. You don’t belong in a box! Read more ›

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