Resources Tagged With: inattention


Five Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Their Strengths

adhd374Dr. Sharon Saline, author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, is a psychotherapist who works with children diagnosed with ADHD and their families. She argues that an informed empathy for ADHD children —  for what they experience on a daily basis — can inspire parents and teachers to work with these children in ways that will help them grow into responsible and happy adults. Read more ›


Teaching Middle School Students with ADHD [presentation] [video]

Do you have students in your middle school classes that call out, seem inattentive or disruptively interrupt the class?

This workshop for educators presented by CHC’s Chris Harris, MEd will help you understand the similarities and differences between ADHD and anxiety so your interventions and strategies will be most effective in mitigating these students’ learning challenges in the classroom. Read more ›


What I Wish the World Knew About My Child’s ADHD

ADHD369 ADDitude magazine asked readers to share what they most wish the neurotypical world would understand and respect about attention deficit disorder. Read more ›

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ADHD, Anxiety or Both? [presentation] [video]

Glen Elliott, PhD, MD, psychiatrist and former Medical Director at CHC, and Chris Harris, MEd, Chief Education Officer, discuss how behaviors associated with ADHD and anxiety may both occur in the same individual but also can mimic each other, leading to confusion about the best diagnosis and the best treatment approach. Read more ›

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ADHD at Home and at School [presentation]

In this presentation, Chris Harris, the Director of CHC’s Esther B. Clark School, explains the primary types and the hallmark symptoms of ADHD and how they are manifested in home and school settings.

Learn the most effective practices for in-school and at-home management of ADHD. Read more ›

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Executive Function 101 e-Book [downloadable]

Each of us navigates daily life — learning, work, recreation and relationships — thanks to intrinsic skills called executive functions. Read more ›

What Every Parent Should Know About Working Memory

workingmemory332Think about the series of commands you might give your child on a school night: “It’s time for bed! Put away your toys, change into your PJs, and brush your teeth!” Maybe your child put away his toys and got into his PJs, but forgot to brush his teeth. If your child frequently loses track of tasks like these, it’s possible he may struggle with working memory. Read more ›


Working Memory Boosters

workingmemory328Does your child have a hard time keeping one bit of information in mind while he’s doing something else? For example, if he’s helping make spaghetti and the phone rings, does he forget he needs to go back and keep stirring the sauce? If he often has trouble with such tasks, he might have working memory issues. Read more ›


The Un-Tech Gift Guide for Kids with ADHD

blocks301For the 2018 holiday season, ADDitude Magazine has published The Un-Tech Gift Guide for Kids with ADHD with 18 low-tech gift ideas that “will delight and entertain even the most busy, creative, curious children.” Read more ›


Learning Differences: Discover Your Superpower [video]

loofbourrow276Ross Loofbourrow, who was diagnosed in elementary school with ADHD and auditory processing issues, talks to Sand Hill School students about his journey growing up with ADHD and learning differences and how he has come to view his learning differences as ‘superpowers.’ Read more ›

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