Resources Tagged With: inattention

Parenting Tips for ADHD: Do’s and Don’ts

Raising a child with ADHD isn’t like traditional childrearing. Normal rule-making and household routines can become almost impossible, depending on the type and severity of your child’s symptoms, so you’ll need to adopt different approaches. Read more ›

ADHD 101 – Why Kids With ADHD Need Different Parenting Strategies [video]

The “usual” parenting strategies are often less effective for children with ADHD.  In this video Erin Gonzales, PhD, a psychologist from the PEARL Clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital, discusses common challenges and changes parents and caregivers can make to help a child with ADHD stay engaged and set them up for success. Read more ›

Digital Tools for Mental Health [downloadable]

While they should not replace professional treatment, mental health apps can offer several benefits.

The following tools have been curated by experts from the Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services at CHC. Read more ›

Sleep in Middle and High School Students

Children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health and behavior problems. Learn how much sleep students need and how many are not getting it. Read more ›

As Children’s ADHD Diagnoses Rise, Parents Discover They Have It, Too

When her son Jake was diagnosed with ADHD at age 11, it didn’t occur to Cary Colleran that she may have the condition as well. It didn’t occur to her that the appointments she forgot, the permission slips left on the kitchen table, the misremembered dates of field trips might be anything other than a symptom of her personality. She’s disorganized. That’s all. Read more ›

Help Your Teen Transition From High School to College

If you are the parent of a graduating senior who plans to attend college, you might feel you have done all you can to prepare them. Or, you might wonder whether your teen is ready for the challenges of college and independent living. The end of senior year can be filled with joy, but also with worry.

“It’s particularly normal at this life stage to be experiencing insecurity, fear, and concerns about the present and the future,” says Sharon Saline, PsyD, who specializes in families of children with ADHD. Read more ›

What Is Children’s Mental Health?

Being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in their communities. Read more ›

Body Doubling Can Be a Total Gamechanger for People Who Struggle With Focus

Body doubling is the practice of actively and intentionally completing tasks in the presence of someone else, and it makes a tangible difference for those who struggle to retain focus. The double doesn’t have to be doing the same task as you, they just need to be present (whether in person or via a livestream screen) and focusing on a project for the same amount of time. Read more ›

Strategies and Life Hacks That Can Help Anyone With ADHD or Attention Problems

For millions of adults throughout the world, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, best known as ADHD, is a persistent disorder that begins in childhood and is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, or a combination thereof. Read more ›

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