Resources Tagged With: inattention

What Is the Link Between Anxiety and ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorders frequently occur together. These conditions can simply exist simultaneously, or ADHD may contribute to the development of the anxiety disorder. Read more ›

A Father & Son Conversation: Growing Up with ADHD [video]

Hear from the perspective of a personal narrative what it “really” means to live with ADHD. Glen Elliott, PhD, MD, and his son, Mark Elliott, MD, psychiatrist, talk about their personal experience with ADHD and the different types of ADHD, ADHD symptoms, the connection between ADHD and executive functioning, treatment options and more. Read more ›

6 Signs and Symptoms Of ADHD [video]

Though ADHD is usually diagnosed during childhood, it can also affect adults. Watch this 5-minute video for teens and young adults about some of the signs and symptoms. Read more ›

A Parents’ Guide to Understanding and Supporting Twice-Exceptional Children

Twice-exceptional children — those who are gifted and have a learning disability or neurological disorder like ADHD — often struggle with issues related to social-emotional growth and/or regulation. As a result, many of these students battle anxiety, stress, emotional regulation, social anxiety, and executive dysfunction. Read more ›

Twice Exceptional & Proud: On Being Gifted with ADHD — Q&A Session for Parents of ADHD & 2e Students [video]

ADHD expert Sharon Saline answers ADDitude Magazine readers’ questions about gifted children and adults who have ADHD — and struggle with the misconceptions surrounding both. Read more ›

Rate of ADHD, Autism Diagnoses Higher Among Children on Medicaid, Study Finds

Children covered under Medicaid are twice as likely to be diagnosed with disorders such as ADHD or autism compared with those who have private insurance, a study published Wednesday by JAMA Psychiatry found. Read more ›

A Parent’s Journey: A Child With ADHD

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we talk candidly about what parenting a child with ADHD is really like — the challenges, joys, worries and wonder. Hear from Lauren Sims, the mom of a child with ADHD, as she shares her real-life personal journey filled with encouragement, empathy and strategies to set your child up for success. Read more ›

Positive Parenting: Adjust Your Parenting Strategies for Kids With ADHD

Your child’s bad behavior is not personal. Make ADHD the enemy; not your child. Catch your child being good every day. Stop blaming others. And other rules for parenting a child with ADD that every family needs to hear.

To ensure that your child is happy and well-adjusted now and in the future — and to create a tranquil home environment — you’ve got to be a great parent to a child with ADHD. Here’s what works, and why. Read more ›

ADHD Toolkit – Diagnosis and Treatment of Children and Teens [downloadable] [web resource]

For parents and caregivers who are just learning about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), this ADHD Toolkit will help you gain a basic understanding of the disorder and its diagnosis and treatment in children and teens. Read more ›

I Just Learned My Child Has ADHD — Now What?

Your child has just been diagnosed with ADHD…now what? Part of you might feel relieved that there’s an explanation for your child’s behavior, while another might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of parenting a child with attention challenges. How can you best equip your child for happiness and success? Read more ›

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