Resources Tagged With: learning

Discussing Accommodations With Your Professor

Even if you set up your accommodations through your Disability Services Office at your college, you should talk to your professor or instructor about your accommodations and your disability.

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College Transition Checklist

High school juniors and seniors with learning differences and/or mental health challenges should use this College Transition Checklist to prepare for applying to and attending college.

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ADHD Across the Lifespan

ADHD is usually diagnosed in children; however, it often persists across one’s lifespan. Learn more about ADHD symptoms at different ages. Read more ›

Getting a Higher Education: Rights and Accommodations

If you need special supports or accommodations to succeed while you are in high school, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that a well thought-out Individualized Education Program (IEP) be developed and updated yearly.

Once you graduate from high school and begin postsecondary education, you will no longer have an IEP and the IDEA will no longer apply. The laws and types of support you can get will be different. Read more ›

Managing Mental Health & Behavior in the K-8 Classroom

Increasingly, educators are being asked to manage not just the academic and social-emotional wellbeing of their students, but also address mental health challenges and learning differences in the classroom. Read more ›

Online Resource Center for Current and Prospective College Students With Disabilities [web resource]

The National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) is a federally-funded, national resource for future and current college students and graduate students with any type of disability, chronic health condition, or mental or emotional illness. Read more ›

Disability Resources on Campus [web resource]

Nearly every college and university in the US has an office on campus that works with students who have disabilities. The office is responsible for making sure that campus classes, programs, buildings and other facilities, and services are accessible to students with disabilities. Read more ›

A Trusted Space: Professional Learning and Curriculum for California Educators [web resource]

A Trusted Space is a 60-minute mini professional development program designed to help teachers and other youth-serving adults work together with students to create trusted atmospheres where healing and learning happen naturally.
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30 Days Of Mental Health Lessons Library [web resource] [downloadable]

These downloadable lessons from the TREP Project are a resource for educators to enhance student mental health literacy. Read more ›

What’s the Role of Teachers in Supporting Student Mental Health?

What’s a healthy balance of teaching and mental health support that will help students thrive while keeping teachers’ jobs manageable?  Edutopia talked to teachers and mental health experts to find answers. Read more ›

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