Resources Tagged With: learning

Explaining an Autism Diagnosis to Your Child

Our 7-year-old was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. He’ll be moved to a new classroom and begin ABA therapy in the next few weeks. Can you give us some advice on helping him understand what’s going on?

To answer this question, Autism Speaks  experts, education specialist Lucia Murillo and social worker Lindsay Naeder, share some guidance on how to conduct the conversation based on your child’s perspective. Read more ›

Four Back to School Tips for Parents of Children with ADHD

With children heading back to school, now is the perfect time to work on strategies like getting more sleep and less screen time to set your child on the road to success this school year. Read more ›

Executive Function Every Day

Your child tends to forget things, has difficulty listening to and following instructions, working independently, and completing tasks. She struggles with setting priorities and resisting impulses. Sound familiar? Your child may be struggling with executive function issues.  Read more ›

California Law Puts a Suicide Hotline Number on School ID Cards

California high school and middle school students will have some lifesaving information at their fingertips as they go back to school this year. Read more ›

Top Ten Back-to-School Tips to Help Your Child Thrive

The lazy days of summer have come to an end, and kids everywhere are going back to school. These expert tips from Challenge Success will help you and your child get the school year off to a great start! Read more ›

Helping Students Develop Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is a skill that takes a long time to learn and may take a lifetime, in truth, to really master. We can get better at it with practice, and our students’ social, emotional, and character development requires that we provide routine opportunities in classrooms and schools for them to work on this skill. Read more ›

Free Back-to-School Mindfulness Toolkit [downloadable]

As educators and parents, the beginning of the school year can be a stressful time, full with planning, planning, planning … doing, doing, doing. What if there were a toolkit that could help us ease back into the classroom with confidence and a sense of calm? There is! Read more ›

Reducing the Stigma Around Student Mental Illness

Legislation passed this summer in Oregon will allow students five excusable mental health days in a three-month period. In Utah, permissible illnesses were expanded in 2018 to include mental illnesses in addition to physical illnesses.

The data shows a sizable number of U.S. students could benefit if other states pass similar laws. Read more ›


Different Terms You May Hear for Evaluations

assessment608If your child is struggling in school, you might be considering an evaluation. There are different kinds of evaluations, and the terms for them can be confusing. You might hear them referred to with different names, depending on who’s talking. Read more ›

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Understanding and Preparing Your Child for Psychoeducational Testing

psychoed testing 607What is psychoeducational testing? How can you prepare your child for it? Author and parent Kim Glenchur offers clear answers to your questions.

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