Resources Tagged With: learning


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Speaking the College Language —How to be a Savvy Student [downloadable]

speakingcollegelanguage100Many students transitioning from high school to college are unaware of post-secondary terminologies that play a crucial role in successful navigation of the post-secondary landscape. This is particularly true of students with learning and attention issues, who are focused on just getting to class on time, completing homework and accessing accommodations. Students need to build awareness of strategic approaches for self-help beyond ADA accommodations. Read more ›

Community Education

Does Your Classroom Foster a Growth Mindset? [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

In this Community Education class for educators, middle school teacher Elaine Antipuesto discusses why a growth mindset is important and how you can foster a growth mindset in your classroom. Read more ›


Best Practices Across Borders


Written by Shirit Megiddo, M.S., CCC-SLP, BCS-CL

On March 19, CHC had the pleasure of hosting Physical Therapist Su Lin Ng and Speech-Language Pathologist Christine Bosch of Therapy Focus, a non-profit organization in Western Australia. As we compared best practice models used in the Bay Area/U.S. and Australia, two of the hot topics discussed were raising children bilingually and the inclusion model of therapy. Read more ›


Helping Students Face Their Fears

stressanxiety92National data indicates that about one-third of teenagers will experience an anxiety disorder, with 8 percent seriously impaired. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that these numbers, higher than in decades past, reflect a real increase, not just a rise in reporting. Read more ›

The Brain-Changing Power of Conversation

For parents, childcare providers, and early educators, new research describes a simple and powerful way to build children’s brains: talk with them, early and often. Read more ›

Community Education

Anxiety, ADHD & Reading—How Do They Intersect? [presentation] [video]

Robert L Hendren, DO, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science and Co-Director of the UCSF Dyslexia Center discusses the frequency with which anxiety co-occurs with ADHD and/or learning disorders. In this presentation, Dr. Hendren explores types of anxiety disorders and reviews assessment strategies and treatment options. Read more ›

Community Education

Encouraging Positive Classroom Behavior [presentation] [video]

Are there students in your classroom that tend to act out and disrupt the entire class?

Teaching behavioral expectations and providing rewards is a much more positive way to manage behavior in the classroom—much better than waiting for the misbehavior to occur and then providing consequences. Read more ›

Community Education

Dyslexia and Learning Differences in the Classroom [presentation] [video]

Are there students in your classroom that struggle with learning? Perhaps those students have a diagnosed or undiagnosed learning issue. In this teacher ed class, Jeff Kozlowski, former Head of Sand Hill School at CHC, reviews the types and signs of learning differences and the impact they can have on a student’s social and emotional well-being. Read more ›

Community Education

Understanding Your Child’s IEP [presentation] [video]

What is an IEP? What do all those test scores mean? What should be included in an IEP and how do I know my child is accomplishing the goals listed on her IEP? Learn all about IEPs from expert educator and Chief Education Officer at CHC, Chris Harris. Read more ›

New Study From Stanford University Finds That Positivity Makes Kids More Successful

Scientists from Stanford University have discovered the brain pathway that directly links a positive attitude with achievement.

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine studied 240 children ages seven to 10 and found that being positive improved their ability to answer math problems, increased their memories and enhanced their problem-solving abilities. They also used MRI brain scans to map the neurological effects of positivity. Read more ›

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