Resources Tagged With: media and Internet use

Teaching Kids Digital Citizenship

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we talk with Eisha Buch, Director, Education Programs & Development for Common Sense Education, about helping students develop a sense of digital agency so that they can truly thrive in a tech-filled world with all its benefits, as well as navigating the potential stressors. Read more ›

10 Hacks to Boost Teens’ Executive Function Skills and Manage Screen Time

Teens’ focus is interrupted, on average, every 90 seconds. Something as simple as an audible notification can draw focus away from a task.  In schools, multiple distractions across the classroom create an almost impossible task of staying on topic and focused

These distractions aren’t only frustrating for educators, research shows they reduce cognitive efficiency. School psychologist Rebecca Branstetter offered 10 tips and hacks to help boost teen’s executive function skills and manage screen time. Read more ›

How Social Media Affects Teens’ Mental Health

In this podcast from the American Psychological Association, Jacqueline Nesi, PhD, of Brown University, talks about the research on social media and teens’ mental health, whether it’s possible to be addicted to social media, what teens themselves think about social media, and what parents can do to help their kids use social media in a healthy way.
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Teens and Tweens: Use These Tips to Navigate Social Media in a Safe and Healthy Way

While social media can offer numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of its potential downsides. From feelings of inadequacy stemming from comparisons to cyberbullying and information overload, the digital realm can present challenges to mental health. This guide aims to provide valuable tips and strategies to maintain a healthy relationship with social media, minimize the potential negative impacts,  and foster a positive online experience. Read more ›

Gen Z Mental Health: The Impact of Tech and Social Media

A McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) survey finds that Gen Z’s social media engagement can feel negative but can also help with finding mental health support and connectivity. Read more ›

The Truth About Teens, Social Media and the Mental Health Crisis

Back in 2017, psychologist Jean Twenge set off a firestorm in the field of psychology. Twenge warned of a mental health crisis on the horizon. Rates of depression, anxiety and loneliness were rising. And she had a hypothesis for the cause: smartphones and all the social media that comes along with them. Read more ›

Digital Anxiety — How Technology and Social Media Makes Us Anxious and What You Can Do About It

Life is unpredictable and anxiety-producing. There’s no doubt that technology and social media have intensified our anxiety, and our lack of in-person connection and interaction, time in nature, and engagement in our communities is creating what some mental health professionals are referring to as “digital anxiety.” Read more ›

10 Things to Know About How Social Media Affects Teens’ Brains

Mitch Prinstein, the chief science officer at the American Psychological Association (APA), spoke to the Senate Judiciary Committee about how social media platforms may impact youth development. NPR distilled it down to 10 useful takeaways. Read more ›

Tips for Healthy Social Media Use: For Parents and Teens

We all know how the algorithm works—the more you look at your phone, the more it will send compelling content to keep your eyes from looking away. It’s hard to break habits of checking TikTok or Instagram and constantly refreshing to see more, but it’s important to take time away for our mental and physical health. Read more ›

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