Resources Tagged With: media and Internet use


Teens, Social Media and Mental Health [presentation] [video]

Learn what kids are telling us about social media and the benefits and challenges of living in a connected world.After a brief presentation from My Digital TAT2, students representing CHC’s Teen Wellness Committee and My Digital TAT2’s Youth Advisory Board hold a panel discussion about social media and life online. Read more ›


Heavy Screen Time May Cause Premature Changes In Brain Structure Among Kids

tech341Children who spend more than seven hours a day of screen time may experience premature thinning of the part of the brain that processes sensory information.

The data comes from a $300 million research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that will follow more than 11,000 kids aged 9 to 10 years old. Read more ›


Obesity May Harm Kids’ Academics, Coping Skills

obesitystudy311Obese kids may have extra difficulty with schoolwork and coping under stress, a preliminary study suggests. Read more ›


Study Confirms Link Between Violent Video Games and Physical Aggression

video-controller274The latest in the long-standing debate over violent video games: They do cause players to become more physically aggressive.

An international study looking at more than 17,000 adolescents, ages nine to 19, from 2010 to 2017, found playing violent video games led to increased physical aggression over time. Read more ›


Screen Time Is Killing Teens. Could Entrepreneurs Use Screens To Also Help Save Them?

hand258Growing up has never been easy. No past generation of adolescents, however, has struggled with mental health quite like today’s teens, and this is something I see on a daily basis. Building a world for the next generation is difficult when you wonder whether the next generation will be able to enjoy it, and it’s something I think about regularly as an entrepreneur. Read more ›


Kids’ Brainpower Tied to Exercise, Sleep and Limited Screen Time

laptop244Researchers tied three behaviors to higher scores on tests of mental ability in children: at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, nine to 11 hours of sleep a night, and no more than two hours a day of recreational screen time. Read more ›

What to Ask When Your Teen Wants to Use Social Media

First, we know from our own social media that the experience isn’t always great. How are kids supposed to deal with insensitive posts, sketchy people, privacy problems, and even FOMO—when supposedly mature grown-ups can’t even be trusted to behave appropriately? Read more ›


‘Gaming Disorder’ Has Been Classified As a Mental Health Condition by the World Health Organization

gaming144The World Health Organization has added “gaming disorder” to the list of mental health conditions.

The addition will appear in the new version the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the WHO’s standardized list of diseases and other medical conditions used by countries around the world. Read more ›

social media mental health141

The Ups and Downs of Social Media

social media mental health141A study finds that teenagers report feeling all kinds of positive and negative emotions when describing the same social media experiences — posting selfies, Snapchatting, browsing videos — but the majority rate their overall experiences as positive. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: ADHD & Technology—How Do They Mix? [presentation]

It’s no secret that kids are spending more and more time with technology. Many kids have complex digital lives. If your child has ADHD, you may wonder what impact that might have on their use of social media. Read more ›

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