Resources Tagged With: media and Internet use


Staying Safe on the Internet [web resource]

teen with laptop photoThe internet has opened up a whole new world for people of all ages, but it does come with some risks. How much do you know about internet safety?

Check out the following links on for information about how to stay safe online. Read more ›

gh-logo [web resource] was created in 2002 by the Office on Women’s Health, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. is committed to empowering girls to create strong, positive relationships and happy, healthy futures by providing girls reliable, useful information on health and well-being. Read more ›


Internet Safety and Online Privacy Concerns

Common Sense Media  is a non-profit organization that helps families make smart media choices. Free resources include a library of independent age-based and educational ratings and reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, books, and music. Common Sense Media also provides research, tips, and tools to keep kids safe. Read more ›

The Role of Social Media in Teen Mental Health

Under the direction of Dr. Ramsey Khasho, CHC staff members and other expert contributors provide answers to questions about the serious issue of teen anxiety and depression in our community. Read more ›

kids ipad

New Guidelines for Media Use from the American Academy of Pediatrics [downloadable]

kids ipadToday, more than 30% of U.S. children first play with a mobile device when they still are in diapers, according to Common Sense Media. Furthermore, almost 75% of 13- to 17-year-olds have smartphones, and 24% admit using their phones almost constantly, according to the Pew Research Center.

The American Academy of Pediatrics convened Growing Up Digital: Media Research Symposium, from which a number of key messages for parents emerged. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Parent Intervention [video]

How much media and Internet use is too much? Learn when you should intervene and set limits. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Gaming [video]

Gaming and the associated role playing may simply be a social outlet, or it can be an addictive behavior or an escape from problems.  How can you evaluate the impact gaming has on your teen? Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Cyber-bullying [video]

What are the signs that your child is a victim of cyber bullying? Learn more about cyber bullying and its affects. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Social Networking [video]

What do you need to know about your teen’s involvement with social media?  Watch this video to learn how to engage them in a discussion about their online behavior. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Sexting [video]

Why do teens send explicit images and messages? How common is it, and how should you approach the topic with your child? Read more ›

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