Resources Tagged With: mental health

Mental Health Accommodations in the Workplace

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws, most employers must provide “reasonable accommodations” to qualified employees with disabilities. Many employers are aware of different types of accommodations for people with physical and communication disabilities, but they may be less familiar with accommodations for employees with disabilities that are not visible, such as mental health conditions. Read more ›

What Students With Mental Health Challenges Should Consider in the College Search

You’re at the end of your junior year of high school with a list of colleges that interest you. You’ve also faced some mental health challenges, and the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t help. And maybe you wonder if your preferred colleges will meet your mental health needs. Read more ›

Five Tips From Experts on Taking a Mental Health Break From College

Many students are considering taking time away from school to tend to their mental health — and it is something that should be encouraged, experts say. Still, navigating those waters may be intimidating. Here’s what mental health experts in academia recommend. Read more ›

First of Its Kind Survey Depicts the State of Mental Health for Youth of Color in the U.S

In a first-of-its-kind national survey that focuses on the mental health of Youth of Color, the AAKOMA Project‘s State of Mental Health for Youth of Color (SOMHYOC) surveyed almost 3,000 young people of color ages 13 to 25 to study their current state of mental health. Read more ›

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of 2e Students [downloadable]

Understanding and supporting a 2e students’ social-emotional needs is essential to their well-being. It is important for parents and school staff to develop 2e students’ strengths while supporting areas of need.
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Pandemic Stress Prematurely Aged Teens’ Brains, Stanford Study Finds

The stress from the pandemic prematurely aged adolescents’ brains, according to a new Stanford University study that adds to the growing list of the lockdown’s troubling impacts on teens. Read more ›

How to Practice Self-Compassion

Self-criticism is a common problem, and not one to be overlooked: the way you talk to yourself plays a vital role in wellbeing. Luckily, the problem of the harsh self-critic is fixable. Below are five ways to help you overcome your inner critic by strengthening your self-compassion and fostering a sense of self-acceptance. Read more ›

How to Care for Your Kids — by First Caring for Yourself

In this NPR interview, mindfulness expert and psychologist Susan Pollak discusses letting of constant self-judgment and treating yourself with the same kindness and caring you strive to offer your kids. Read more ›

Stop Hurting Your Own Feelings: Tips on Quashing Negative Self-Talk

Do you ever hurt your own feelings?

A curt reply to that thoughtful work email, zero responses to that happy hour invitation – little slights like these get my inner critic going. What a dumb thing to say! Of course they don’t like you. Who do you think you are?

This kind of negative self-talk can get in the way of creating strong relationships with ourselves and others. Read more ›

Why Emotional Self-Regulation Is Important and How to Do It

Emotional self-regulation refers to a person’s ability to manage their emotions and impulses. It is a skill that people learn and develop throughout childhood and adolescence and into adulthood, and it is an important part of overall mental and physical well-being. Read more ›

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