Resources Tagged With: mental health

It’s Time to Screen All Kids for Anxiety, Physicians’ Task Force Recommends

An influential panel of experts says all kids ages eight to 18 should be screened regularly for anxiety. This draft recommendation by the United States Preventative Task Force comes at a time when mental health problems among kids have escalated and are overwhelming the health system. Read more ›

Mental Health Primers for Teachers [downloadable] [web resource]

These mental health primers, developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education, provide information for classroom teachers to help them identify behaviors in the classroom that are symptomatic of mental health and other psychological issues, with the goal of directing teachers to appropriate resources for the students. Read more ›

5 Signs a Young Adult May Be Struggling

Moving away from home for the first time is a mountainous life transition for a young adult. This can be a daunting task for young adults between ages 18 and 25, whether they are relocating to a new city to pursue an education or job or moving out of the family home within the same town. Read more ›

The Great Unknown: 10 Tips for Dealing With the Stress of Uncertainty

Most people are creatures of habit. When things go as planned, we feel in control. But when life throws a curveball, it can leave us feeling anxious and stressed. Read more ›

Rising Parental Expectations Linked to Perfectionism in College Students

Rising parental expectations and criticism are linked to an increase in perfectionism among college students, which can have damaging mental health consequences, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Read more ›

We Need to Talk About Bruno: What Encanto Tells Us About Intergenerational Trauma

The Madrigal family of the Disney animated film Encanto lives in a beautiful hidden village in Colombia, where a miracle imbues members of the family with a magical gift—from super-strength to the ability to heal to shapeshifting—that they use to help their community.

Yet, while each member of the family does their best to live up to the Madrigals’ esteemed reputation, cracks are starting to show—literally—in the house all three generations share. Read more ›

Understanding Anxiety: What is Typical and What Is Not

Anxiety is a healthy emotion, except when it’s not. Experiencing anxiety can be just what we need to finish a project or task, or deal with a stressful situation. But it can also be overwhelming and debilitating. Read more ›

Facts and Statistics About Anxiety Disorders

Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year?  Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment. Read more ›

Anxiety Disorders

An anxiety disorder is a type of mental health condition. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may respond to certain things and situations with fear and dread. You may also experience physical signs of anxiety, such as a pounding heart and sweating. Read more ›

Understanding Anxious Feelings

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of intense worry or uneasiness that we experience when we’re facing something stressful, often a situation with an uncertain outcome. In a concerning situation, feeling a certain amount of anxiety is normal, and can even be helpful – for example, it can help us stay motivated to meet deadlines, or even keep us safe in a scary situation. Read more ›

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