Resources Tagged With: mental health

To College or Not to College?

How do you even start the college conversation without your child shutting down or storming off? In this Voices of Compassion episode, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Katie Reeves, shares communication strategies for launching meaningful discussions with your teens about college, COVID, mental health, and more. Read more ›

Teens and College Students — Find Help for Anxiety [web resource] [downloadable]

Teens and college students can easily feel anxious trying to juggle school, work, friends, and family while trying to figure out the rest of your life. Most of us bounce back. But frequent, intense, and uncontrollable anxiety that interferes with your daily routines may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Read more ›

Going to College With a Mental Health Disorder [web resource]

In many ways, college offers a “blank slate” and is the perfect time and place to reinvent yourself. Between the independent living, opportunities to pursue your own interests, new people to meet, and different social scenes to become a part of, it may feel like you can leave your pre-college self behind and start over.

Despite these many ways to reinvent yourself, if you are living with a mental health disorder it’s important to remember that your condition still exists and can’t be ignored or erased as you work on establishing your “new” self. Read more ›

Starting the Conversation: College and Your Mental Health [downloadable] [video]

To help put a thoughtful plan into place should a mental health condition arise, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and The Jed Foundation have created a guide to help start the conversation. It offers both parents and students the opportunity to learn more about mental health, including what the privacy laws are and how mental health information can be shared. Read more ›

A Parent’s Guide to Mental Health for College Students

While the college years have always been a time when mental health problems can emerge, the problems have escalated according to data from the American College Health Association (ACHA) survey. What actions can parents take in the face of rising mental health problems? Read more ›

Managing a Mental Health Condition in College

College means new freedoms and new opportunities. Making the transition to college isn’t easy for anyone. Classes will be more difficult than high school and you have to plan ahead and motivate yourself to study. Plus you may have the new and stressful experience of living with a randomly-assigned roommate. All these things can impact your mental health. To make sure you succeed in college, know where to find support and how to put your best foot forward. Read more ›

Be Kind to Yourself: The Power of Self-Compassion

As a parent in a pandemic, you feel like you have to be superhuman or you’re not doing enough. The reality is that if you can be kinder to yourself, you will also be happier, more resilient and compassionate with others. In this episode, Pardis Khosravi, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist at CHC, shares three key steps toward self-compassion. Read more ›

Infinite Hope — Observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in 2021

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

Dear Friends,

Many of us are delighted by the idea of a 3-day weekend. Whether it’s sleeping in, organizing the garage, reading a good book, going on a hike or trying out a new recipe, we’ve an endless list of ways to spend the extra day off, even in a pandemic. Especially in a pandemic. More than ever, we need the extra time for self-care and rest and reflection; our bodies and minds exhausted from the endless barrage of fear and bad news.

But I urge you to add one more thing to your mental list of ways to spend this precious day. We all know today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Read more ›

Tips for Anxiety

If you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. People deal with stress in many different ways, some healthy and some unhealthy. Try these self-care tips to cope. Read more ›

Voices of Compassion — Season 1 in Review

This Voices of Compassion podcast highlights a few favorite excerpts from some of our previous episodes, including Top 3 Mindfulness Strategies to Reduce Stress (Episode 5), Best Strategies for ADHD & Distance Learning, Part I  and Best Strategies for ADHD & Distance Learning, Part 2 (Episodes 8 & 9), Family Dynamics While Sheltering in Place (Episode 11) and more. We hope it brings a smile to your face and perhaps even makes you want to go back and listen to the episodes that resonate most. Read more ›

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