Resources Tagged With: mental health

For Better Adult Mental and Relational Health, Boost Positive Childhood Experiences

Positive childhood experiences, such as supportive family interactions, caring relationships with friends, and connections in the community, are associated with reductions in chances of adult depression and poor mental health, and increases in the chances of having healthy relationships in adulthood, a new study led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health researchers suggests. Read more ›

What We Can Do About Toxic Stress? [downloadable]

In our communities, everyone depends on each another in so many ways. And, while it might not always seem like it at first, people’s lives are connected by threads that hold us all together. These threads grow stronger when we take on difficult challenges in our lives, such as dealing with the effects of trauma. Read more ›

Seize the Awkward — How to Talk with a Friend Who’s Struggling [video] [downloadable]

Talking to your friend about mental health can be scary – but reaching out when you’re feeling down or when you see a friend struggling can make a huge difference. Read more ›

How To Do Well (And Be Happy!) In College

You’ve signed up for classes, you’ve learned your way around campus — and now, you’ve got to make sure you survive all the way to graduation. Read more ›

How Can Schools Help Kids with Anxiety?

Teachers and parents all over the country are noticing an increase in mental health issues, including anxiety, among students. Parents and educators are scrambling to understand why kids seem to be more anxious and how to help them. Read more ›

When Does Disruptive Behavior Merit a Mental Health Diagnosis?

Written by Alexa Boubalos, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at CHC

Explosive behavior. Rage. Tantrums. Meltdowns. Aggression. Property destruction.

Having a child with any of these behaviors can be a challenging experience. And while all children tend to act out from time to time, children with disruptive behavior disorders have persistent patterns of behavioral challenges that occur across settings and are much more extreme than other kids their age. Read more ›

Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event: Managing Stress [downloadable]

This fact sheet from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers tips for preventing and managing stress when dealing with the effects of trauma, mass violence, or terrorism. It lists tips for relieving stress and seeking professional help. Read more ›

Tips for Survivors: Coping with Grief After Community Violence [downloadable]

This tip sheet from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) contains information about some of the signs of grief and anger and provides useful information about how to cope with grief. In addition, the Helpful Resources section provides hotline numbers and treatment locators for those who may want further help. Read more ›

Five Tips to Help Teens Cope with Stress [downloadable]

High school teens spend most of their time attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities and doing homework. There is constant pressure to do everything and do it well to prepare for a successful career or higher education after high school. This can cause a lot of stress.

Use these tips to take a break from the barrage of constant communication and manage your stress in a healthy way. Read more ›

EdRev Expo 2019: Keynote Presentation by Steve Young [video]

Football legend Steve Young shares his inspiring journey with anxiety at EdRev Expo 2019. Read more ›

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