Resources Tagged With: podcast

Parenting a Young Child with Autism

Sometimes parents don’t want to have their child screened for autism because they are afraid of labels, stigma and limitations. But while overwhelming, diagnosis can also bring support, services and maybe even relief. Read more ›

Processing with Our Senses

When you hear a sound, how do you respond? You might choose to ignore it or investigate its source. This process of using our senses to interpret a situation and respond in a purposeful way is called sensory integration. When these systems don’t synthesize, whether due to a diagnosis like autism or ADHD or to a skills deficit, it can lead to a whole host of learning and behavioral challenges. Studies have found that 1 in every 6 children has sensory processing issues that make it more difficult for them to thrive in school.  Read more ›

Social Media & Mental Health

A 2022 Pew Research Center study revealed that nearly 80% of 13-17 year-olds check at least one social media feed at least hourly, and over a third said they did so “almost constantly.” How can we develop healthy social media practices that support, not hinder, our mental health? Read more ›

Managing Mental Health & Behavior in the K-8 Classroom

Increasingly, educators are being asked to manage not just the academic and social-emotional wellbeing of their students, but also address mental health challenges and learning differences in the classroom. Read more ›

Pursue What You Love

We have all heard the phrase, “find a job you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.” But is it really possible? Do we have to choose between happiness and a living wage? What if we’re still figuring out what fulfills us? Read more ›

Different and Diverse

Navigating learning and mental health challenges is difficult; adding racial and ethnic diversity to the mix can magnify the inequities and complexities of the journey. Read more ›

I Don’t Want to Label My Child

We are all different, and we know that not every child fits into a specific category. Is your child struggling with learning or behavioral outbursts? Your child is not broken and you are not a bad parent. Read more ›

2e: When Giftedness and Mental Health Challenges Overlap

Many twice exceptional (2e) children feel different, like they just don’t fit in, and can be more susceptible to mental health challenges.

In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, we talk with Christine Pearston, PsyD, licensed clinical psychologist at CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services, who suggests we start by looking at the whole child — strengths, interests and challenges alike.

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Learning Differences Across the Lifespan

We often think of learning differences as challenges faced in school. But the reality is that learning differences impact people throughout their lives with implications far beyond the classroom: home, relationships, work and family to name a few. Therefore, it’s important to learn strategies and skills that apply throughout the lifespan. Read more ›

When Conventional Schools Don’t Work

Most kids complain about school sometimes. But if your child’s gripes come almost daily and they are begging you not to go to school at all, you might be wondering if there’s something deeper going on. Are they falling behind? Not making friends? Does the pace of instruction leave them feeling lost and confused? Read more ›

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