Resources Tagged With: stress


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network [web resource]


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) was created by Congress in 2000 as part of the Children’s Health Act to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and families who experience or witness traumatic events. Read more ›


Generation Z Reported the Most Mental Health Problems

stress280Many members of Generation Z — young people between 15 and 21 — have taken more active roles in political activism this year, and a new survey indicates that the state of the nation is to blame for this generation’s stress levels.

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Bringing Mindfulness To Students And Teachers

Walk into any busy classroom and you may feel like you’ve entered a tornado. Kids talking, teachers trying to get through content while navigating different requests, and the inevitable interruptions. When trying to manage the chaos, sometimes the most helpful thing is to just slow down. Read more ›


Meditation at Schools Can Benefit Both Learning and Behavior

calm247The McKinley-Brighton Elementary School in Syracuse, New York, is experiencing positive results on student behavior and learning from a daily 30-minute opening period of meditation and mindfulness, and the establishment of a “mindful room” for students who are acting out. Read more ›


What’s Going On In the Brain Of A Child Who Has Experienced Trauma? [video]

trauma246Educators are increasingly recognizing that students often have complicated lives outside of school that affect how ready they are to learn. Many students experience some kind of trauma in their lives, whether it’s a health problem, divorce, violence in their neighborhood, or a combination of experiences. Research shows these experiences affect kids’ brains and behavior — a challenge for teachers expecting to arrive in class and only focus on content. Read more ›


For Teens: Creating Your Personal Stress-Management Plan [downloadable]

resiliencestressmanagment230Resilience is the quality that allows you to “bounce back,” adapt, and persevere when you are faced with problems or challenges.  Becoming more emotionally resilient will help you manage hard times and stress.

The following 10-point plan was developed to help you manage stress.  None are quick fixes, but they will lead you toward a healthy and successful life. Read more ›


Why You Should Stop Yelling at Your Kids

lecturingyelling217The use of spanking to discipline children has been in decline for 50 years. But yelling? Almost everybody still yells at their kids sometimes, even the parents who know it doesn’t work. Yelling may be the most widespread parental stupidity around today. Read more ›


Study: A Growth Mindset Helps Students Cope with Academic Setbacks

stressedteen195A new study finds that when students experience an academic setback such as a bad grade, the amount of cortisol—the so-called stress hormone—in their bodies typically spikes. For most students it drops back down to normal levels a day later, but for some it stays high. These students remain fixated on the setback and have difficulty moving forward. Read more ›


This Is Why Small Talk Makes Some People So Anxious

smalltalk169It can be difficult to know the difference between having social anxiety and being awkward, introverted, or shy. The American Psychological Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines social anxiety as “a persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations” that involve being “exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others.”

Modern life provides us with constant opportunities to be scrutinized by others, and while few among us wouldn’t be nervous about giving a work presentation or a speech at a wedding, an ongoing fear of saying the wrong thing in casual conversations can become problematic. Conversation anxiety, though not itself a disorder, is an aspect of social anxiety that can make dates, parties, and mixers anywhere from mildly stressful to intolerable. Read more ›

Depression and Anxiety: Exercise Eases Symptoms

When you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. Read more ›

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