Resources Tagged With: teen mental health

Bipolar Disorder in Teens and Young Adults: Know the Signs [downloadable]

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, marked by episodes of mania and depression. Bipolar disorder is not the same as the typical ups and downs every kid goes through. The mood swings are more extreme and accompanied by changes in sleep, energy level, and the ability to think clearly. Know the signs and symptoms. Read more ›

Even When the Smoke Clears, Schools Find Student Trauma Can Linger

For some students, the fire is only the beginning. The nightmares, the grief and an all-consuming dread can persist for months or even years.

That’s what teachers and school employees have observed among students in California’s fire-ravaged areas, especially Sonoma and Butte counties, where deadly wildfires have struck repeatedly in recent years. Read more ›

Teens’ Social Media Use is Up During Pandemic, and So Is Their Parents’ Concern

Parents weigh in on their kids and social media. Turns out, there’s widespread worry.

That’s according to new survey results from Lurie Children’s Hospital. With remote learning and social distancing in place during the pandemic, social media use is up. That’s no surprise, but some of the statistics are. Read more ›

Racial Discrimination Linked to Suicide

In this age of racial reckoning, new research findings indicate that racial discrimination is so painful that it is linked to the ability to die by suicide, a presumed prerequisite for being able to take one’s own life. However, the ability to emotionally and psychologically reframe a transgression can mitigate its harmful effects.  Read more ›

These Mental Health Apps Are Geared Toward People Of Color

The Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) community has long dealt with systemic issues and stigmas that make accessing mental health resources difficult. In a current climate rife with increased racial trauma, creators of digital apps that support the emotional well-being of people of color are stepping up. Read more ›

Healthy Friendships in Adolescence

Positive social connections with people at all stages in life help ensure healthy development, physically, socially, and emotionally. As children transition to adolescence and start to spend less time with parents and siblings, friendships with peers become an increasingly important source of these social connections. Read more ›

Adolescent Bullying Basics

Bullying is a behavior that many of us have experienced in school or online, either as the person being bullied, the person engaging in the behavior, or as a witness. While bullying is far from new, it should not be considered a rite of passage for young people. Read more ›

The New Adolescence: Raising Happy and Successful Teens in an Age of Anxiety and Distraction

 The New Adolescence is a handbook for parents that offers road-tested, science-based solutions for raising happy, healthy, and successful teenagers. Read more ›

Gay-Straight Alliances at School Cut Bullying for LGBTQ Youth

LGBTQ students attending schools with gay-straight alliance programs in place reported experiencing less bullying and better health outcomes than their LGBTQ peers whose schools lacked such programs, according to a national survey. Read more ›

Anxiety Screening Recommended for All Females Ages 13 and Up

Young women ages 13 and up should be screened for anxiety at routine visits, according to a new Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) recommendation. Read more ›

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