Resources Tagged With: teen mental health

Study: Skateboarding Fosters 21st Century, SEL Skills

Partnerships between schools and skateboarding nonprofits, acknowledging the diversity among the skateboarding community, and linking skateboarders to internships and opportunities to use the skills they’ve developed through the sport are among recommendations researchers at the University of Southern California offer in a new report. Read more ›

6 Ways to Become More Resilient Immediately

Even when you’re reeling, you often need to make key decisions or act. But finding the clarity and will to move forward in the face of adversity isn’t easy. Read more ›

A Parent’s Guide to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) [presentation]

DBT is a modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy that utilizes both acceptance and change strategies. This type of therapy is particularly effective in addressing symptoms of emotional dysregulation and related behaviors. Learn more about DBT and DBT strategies that can help you with your teen. Read more ›

What Does Climate Change Have to Do With Your Child’s Mental Health?

What does climate change have to do with mental health? Climate change, driven by our reliance on fossil fuels, is leading to more frequent and intense natural disasters, which may increase a child’s risk of having depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Read more ›

Transgender Youth Reluctant to Come Out to Their Doctors

Half of transgender youth said they tell healthcare providers nothing about their gender identities, survey findings indicated.

Among 204 transgender youth ages 12 to 26 who participated, 46% agreed that they “intentionally avoided disclosure” of their gender identity to healthcare providers outside of a gender clinic, Gina Sequeira, MD, MS, of the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, and colleagues wrote in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Read more ›

How Some California School Districts Invest in Counseling – and Achieve Results

Dozens of districts across California have invested in counseling in recent years, hiring more staff to guide students through the college and career process and help with their mental health needs. Read more ›

Keep Your Teen Moving to Reduce Risk of Depression

Science shows moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise is good for us — it improves sleep; lowers blood pressure; protects against heart disease, diabetes and cancer; reduces stress; boosts mood; and fights anxiety and depression.

It’s especially important in adolescence, where the first signs of depression often begin, studies show. Read more ›

Study: Majority of Students’ Feelings About High School Are Negative

Ask a high school student how he or she typically feels at school, and the answer you’ll likely hear is “tired,” closely followed by “stressed” and “bored.”

In a nationwide survey of 21,678 U.S. high school students, researchers from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and the Yale Child Study Center found that nearly 75% of the students’ self-reported feelings related to school were negative. Read more ›

Program Helps Students Return to Class After a Mental Health Crisis

As many as one in five children need help with a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression. These students often have trouble processing information or focusing, which can contribute to a cycle of increased anxiety, dropping grades and missed school, say experts. Yet schools typically lack the money and staff to help students cope with what experts describe as a mental health epidemic. Read more ›

How To Start Therapy

If the mere thought of trying to find help seems overwhelming, you’re not alone. Plenty of people put off seeking treatment or try to ignore symptoms because mental health is often easier to brush off as not urgent. Read more ›

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