Resources Tagged With: teen mental health

How to Talk With Teens About Mental Health

Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of teens who reported having “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 37 percent and, in 2021, to 44 percent. Further, research shows that 1 in 5 youth in distress felt that they didn’t have someone they could turn to in a crisis. How can we let our teens know we’re here for them and protect them from significant mental health challenges? Read more ›

Talking To Adolescents and Teens About Mental Health

The first step in starting a conversation is to choose a good time. It’s really important to make space to be together without an agenda or pressure.  Conversation tends to flow best when it naturally occurs. Read more ›

LGBTQ Youth and Bullying

Bullying puts youth at increased risk for depression, suicidal ideation, misuse of drugs and alcohol, risky sexual behavior, and can affect academics as well. For LGBTQ youth, that risk is even higher. Read more ›

How to Help Teens Put Less Pressure on Themselves

This is a really tough time for teens. I know what you’re thinking—the teen years have always been tough. Youth mental health is in crisis. What’s been going on? Read more ›

Giving Up On A Perfect Recovery Actually Helped Me Heal From My Eating Disorder

More than a decade of my life, from my early teens to early 20s, was largely defined by my obsessive food and body rituals. I counted calories so closely that I eventually stopped needing to track them, running a list in my mind as I measured out tiny portions. I refused to visit friends in other cities, worried about when and how I would exercise. I starved myself most of the day and ate mindlessly at night, beat myself up for it, then started the cycle all over again the next day. Read more ›

The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know [downloadable]

Did you know that big and important changes are happening in the brain during adolescence? Here are 7 things to know about the teen brain. Read more ›

More Teens with Eating Disorders Wound up in ER During Pandemic

Emergency rooms across the country have seen a surge in the number of teenage girls dealing with eating and other disorders, including anxiety, depression and stress, during the pandemic, a new government report shows.

The report offers up compelling evidence about the kinds of mental health issues that have plagued a generation of adolescents. Read more ›

Frequently Asked Questions About Suicide [downloadable]

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States and a major public health concern. When a person dies by suicide, the effects are felt by family, friends, and communities. This brochure, developed by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), can help you, a friend, or a family member learn more about the warning signs of suicide, ways to help prevent suicide, and effective treatment options. Read more ›

California Adds a Mental Health Curriculum Requirement in K-12

On Jan. 1, a new law took effect, mandating that the California Department of Education include mental health in state standards by Jan. 1, 2023. Districts must begin teaching the new curriculum by Jan. 1, 2024.

The law requires that middle and high school students learn the signs and symptoms of conditions such as depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Read more ›

Colleges Struggle to Recruit Therapists for Students in Crisis

Early in his first quarter at the University of California-Davis, Ryan Manriquez realized he needed help. A combination of pressures — avoiding covid-19, enduring a breakup, dealing with a disability, trying to keep up with a tough slate of classes — hit him hard. Read more ›

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