Resources Tagged With: teens

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How to Teach Teens About Love, Consent and Emotional Intelligence

teens holding hands142Navigating love and relationships can be difficult at any age, but especially so in the angsty teenage years. Budding romances can be fun and exhilarating but also confusing and uncomfortable. In these moments of confusion, teens often turn to friends or the internet for advice. But what if teens were trained with other options? What if lessons in love and romance were taught more explicitly in schools and at home? Read more ›

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The Ups and Downs of Social Media

social media mental health141A study finds that teenagers report feeling all kinds of positive and negative emotions when describing the same social media experiences — posting selfies, Snapchatting, browsing videos — but the majority rate their overall experiences as positive. Read more ›


How Bibliotherapy Can Help Students Open Up About Their Mental Health

readingbibliotherapy126Mental health concerns, like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, form friendships and thrive in the classroom. Read more ›

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LGBTQ Teens & Depression [presentation] [video]

During this teen friendly session, CHC’s adolescent therapist, Jenna Borrelli, and transgender college/school counselor, Brad Ward look deeply into the issues surrounding gender, sexual orientation and non-binary identification–often leading to higher rates of depression and suicide compared to traditional cisgender teens. Read more ›

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The Paradox of the Mother-Teen Daughter Relationship: Interactive Panel [presentation] [video]

Jenna Borrelli, an adolescent therapist at CHC, speaks about improving communication skills and managing conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. A facilitated panel discussion follows the presentation. Read more ›


Anxiety in Teens [web resource]

Founded in 2006, Anxiety In Teens is a non-profit whose mission is to equip young adults with tools and community to advance emotional wellness.  The Anxiety In Teens website is the place where teens, college students, and parents can find all things millennial and Gen Z mental health. Anxiety In Teens’ content is for youth and by youth.  Read more ›


Helping Students Face Their Fears

stressanxiety92National data indicates that about one-third of teenagers will experience an anxiety disorder, with 8 percent seriously impaired. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that these numbers, higher than in decades past, reflect a real increase, not just a rise in reporting. Read more ›

Community Education

Responding to Your Teen’s Challenging Behavior [presentation] [video]

Does your child talk back and ‘push your buttons?’ Kendra Evans Fraka, MSW, presents some effective responses to behavioral challenges in your teen. Read more ›


OK2TALK [web resource]

OK2TALK79A public service campaign from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is an online community where teens and young adults struggling with mental health conditions can find a safe place to talk about what they’re experiencing by sharing their personal stories of recovery, tragedy, struggle or hope. Read more ›


Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens

depressedgirl77Only about 50 percent of adolescents with depression get diagnosed before reaching adulthood. And as many as 2 in 3 depressed teens don’t get the care that could help them. To address this divide, the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued updated guidelines this week that call for universal screening for depression. Read more ›

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