Resources Tagged With: teens

teen in car45

Parenting a Child Who Feels Entitled

teen in carYour six-year-old says she needs a cell phone-just like her friend. Your sixteen-year-old son complains that his car is not as nice as everyone else’s (but shouldn’t he just be happy with a car? Should he even have a car?) Even if you could afford these things, you wonder: Am I just trying to keep up with the Joneses? Does my child need these things? Is my child entitled to these things just because others have them?

Trying to raise a child in Silicon Valley can be tough-not only because of the academic pressures and the current economy, but because of the wide diversity of social pressures. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Parent Intervention [video]

How much media and Internet use is too much? Learn when you should intervene and set limits. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Gaming [video]

Gaming and the associated role playing may simply be a social outlet, or it can be an addictive behavior or an escape from problems.  How can you evaluate the impact gaming has on your teen? Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Cyber-bullying [video]

What are the signs that your child is a victim of cyber bullying? Learn more about cyber bullying and its affects. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Social Networking [video]

What do you need to know about your teen’s involvement with social media?  Watch this video to learn how to engage them in a discussion about their online behavior. Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Sexting [video]

Why do teens send explicit images and messages? How common is it, and how should you approach the topic with your child? Read more ›


Media & Internet Use: Adolescent Development [video]

What is the connection between the Internet and your child’s sense of identity? What are the best strategies to guide your child to make good online choices? Read more ›

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