Resources Tagged With: teens

How to Show Up for Teens When Big Emotions Arise

Being a teenager is hard. Every day holds the possibility of emotional highs and lows, and parents don’t always know how to be supportive.

Clinical psychologist Lisa Damour says instead of jumping into problem-solving mode, parents can learn to ride the wave of emotional management with their teens. Read more ›

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Talking with Your College-Bound Young Adult About Alcohol [downloadable]

TalkingAboutAlcoholSAMHSA559Talk with your young adult about avoiding underage drinking, even if you suspect alcohol use during high school. Research suggests that teens who talked with their parents about alcohol avoidance strategies before they began their first year of college were more likely to avoid alcohol, limit its use, and spend less time with heavy-drinking peers. Read more ›

Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons

As pediatrician and mother of two teenagers Cara Natterson explains, puberty starts in boys long before any visible signs appear, and that causes confusion about their changing temperaments for boys and parents alike. Often, they also grow quieter as they grow taller, which leads to less parent-child communication. Read more ›

What to Do If Your Teen Refuses to Go to Counseling

Some teens are happy to go to therapy. They enjoy talking to an objective adult who can assist with some of their problems. But not all teens are on board with therapy, and convincing a reluctant teen to go to counseling can feel like an uphill battle. Read more ›

Communicating With Your Teen—How to Approach Conversations With Empathy and Understanding

Establishing a connection with your teen is the basis for effectively supporting their mental well-being and social and emotional learning. When we love someone, we are interested in them and in their thoughts and feelings. As your child grows, communication is one way of showing your love and respect for your growing child. Read more ›

5 Simple Tips to Help You Have a Real Conversation With Your Teen

Parents often talk about how tough it is to talk to teenagers, how their kids won’t say anything or listen to them. Child and adolescent psychologist, family therapist, and author Shelja Sen shares five essential strategies that can make a huge difference in building a stronger connection. Read more ›

5 Simple Tips to Improve Teen Sleep Habits

Teenagers may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, or insomnia, for many reasons. Disrupted sleep can negatively impact your teen’s mental and physical health. Read more ›

Sleep Problems in Your Teen: Care Instructions

Children in their teenage years may begin having problems sleeping. There is no “right” amount of sleep for teens. Each child’s needs are different. But some teens have sleep problems that keep them from getting the sleep they need. Read more ›

Talking To Adolescents and Teens About Mental Health

The first step in starting a conversation is to choose a good time. It’s really important to make space to be together without an agenda or pressure.  Conversation tends to flow best when it naturally occurs. Read more ›

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