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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning


Why & How to Talk to Young Kids About Race

Contrary to the common belief that young children “don’t see race,” a mountain of research evidence confirms that racial awareness starts early. We know that within a few months of birth, babies prefer own-race faces, and that by roughly age Read more >>

SEL Video Collection for Parents and Caregivers

The SEL @ Home video collection from PBS Learning Media was created to help parents and caregivers by increasing your understanding of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and offering real-world examples of how you can help your children develop SEL Read more >>

The Adolescent Brain

Perhaps you’ve heard that adolescent behavior is governed by “raging hormones,” or that adolescents are impulsive because they are “immature.” Neither of those are accurate. What is actually on is the remodeling in the brain.  In this engaging 4-minute video, Read more >>