Resources Tagged With: Voices of Compassion

How to Talk With Teens About Mental Health

Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of teens who reported having “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 37 percent and, in 2021, to 44 percent. Further, research shows that 1 in 5 youth in distress felt that they didn’t have someone they could turn to in a crisis. How can we let our teens know we’re here for them and protect them from significant mental health challenges? Read more ›

Parenting: Developing Self-Awareness

​We often talk about building self-awareness in our kids, but what about in ourselves, as parents and caregivers?

The better we understand our own complexities, the more wholeheartedly we can show up for our children. In fact, research shows that when a parent understands themselves better, the child has better overall life outcomes. Read more ›

Can My School Aged Child Really Be Depressed?

Children often experience a rollercoaster of emotions, even on a good day. But prolonged symptoms of sadness, irritability, short-temper, change in eating or sleeping habits or lost concentration or interest could be signs of depression. How do you know what’s normal and what’s cause for concern? Read more ›

Launching: Transition Age Youth

Growing up is a process of moving toward independence, becoming your own person and meeting your own needs. “Launching” refers to the parental role in their child’s transition into adulthood. This process looks different for everyone — a bumpier or more meandering path for some than others. So how can you best prepare your child for a smooth launch? Read more ›

I Just Learned My Child Has Autism — Now What?

The CDC and National Health Statistics Reports estimate that there is a 1-2% chance of a child being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and the rates for boys are higher than that for girls. So, if your child has just been diagnosed with autism, you are not alone. Read more ›

Understanding Anxiety: What is Typical and What Is Not

Anxiety is a healthy emotion, except when it’s not. Experiencing anxiety can be just what we need to finish a project or task, or deal with a stressful situation. But it can also be overwhelming and debilitating. Read more ›

Parenting: Weathering the Storm

Parenting is really an art — of balancing being there with letting go. Can your children navigate the world on their own? Will they ever stop needing you and will you ever stop worrying about them? Read more ›

The Teen Brain: What Are They Thinking?

Our brains develop from the back to the front. The prefrontal cortex — important for impulse control, managing emotions, planning, organization and finishing tasks — is the last to develop, and is not fully mature until our mid-twenties. How does this impact teen behavior and decision making and how can parents make sure we still matter? Read more ›

Shaping the Conversation Around Eating Disorders

Data shows that calls to the helpline for the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) increased 40% in the first year of the pandemic. Sometimes symptoms might fly under the radar or be dismissed as ‘just a phase,’ but the shame, guilt and health complications associated with eating disorders are risks we can’t ignore. Read more ›

Assessment 101: An Inside Look at Evaluations

We receive lots of questions from parents about evaluations: Does my child need one? Or should we just start treatment? An evaluation by a psychologist or a multidisciplinary team can be a valuable tool in understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide a roadmap for next steps. It can reveal whether what seems like distraction, laziness or reluctance could actually be a sign of mental health or learning challenges. Read more ›

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