Resources Tagged With: website

ADHD Toolkit – Diagnosis and Treatment of Children and Teens [downloadable] [web resource]

For parents and caregivers who are just learning about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), this ADHD Toolkit will help you gain a basic understanding of the disorder and its diagnosis and treatment in children and teens. Read more ›

Potentia Institute: My Brain Explained [web resource]

Knowledge is power. It enables us to find our right fit, strengthen areas where we have challenges, seek support, advocate for ourselves and design our own learning or work environment. Yet, Information about our brains has not been readily available to most people in a practical manner. Read more ›

Lesson of the Day: Critical Race Theory: A Brief History [web resource]

In the lesson “Critical Race Theory: A Brief History” from the New York Times’ Learning Network, students will learn how an academic legal framework developed during the 1980s for understanding racism in the United States  has become a hot-button political issue 40 years later and examine the spread of legislation opposed to critical race theory. Read more ›

Mindfulness Minutes Series Helps Children Learn About Mindfulness [web resource][video]

You may be wondering why mindfulness is important for your child. Mindfulness gives kids the habit of focusing on the present moment and ignoring distractions, promotes happiness and patience by lowering social anxiety and stress, teaches them to stay calm in the face of life’s stressful times, improves attentiveness and impulse control, creates good habits for the future, and so much more. Read more ›

Free Online Reflection Tool for Students and Teachers [web resource]

Giving kids a chance to talk with adults about their lives outside of class can be critical for their social-emotional development. But during the pandemic, online classes didn’t often allow the time for that individual attention. Along is a free digital reflection tool that helps teachers prompt students to talk about their personal lives through recorded video, audio or written texts as a way to support them emotionally, not just academically. Read more ›

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources for Educators [website]

The Center for Responsive Schools (CRS) believes students learn and thrive in school and classroom environments that are responsive to their academic, social, emotional, and developmental strengths and needs. CRS has created a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion seal to highlight resources that meet their commitment to fostering attitudes, behaviors, practices, and knowledge that promote and habituate diversity, equity and inclusion in a deliberate manner. Read more ›

Finding Joy in the Little Things [web resource]

Feeling blah? Science shows you can boost happiness by taking time for small moments of delight. Scientists are learning that our feelings aren’t hard-wired — emotions are created by our brains in response to what we’re experiencing now and what we’ve felt in the past. Read more ›

NetSmartz Internet Safety [web resource] [downloadable] [video]

NetSmartz is an interactive, educational program developed by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC). NetSmartz provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children, tweens, and teens how to be safer on- and offline. Read more › [web resource] is non profit organization that creates educational, training, and clinical care materials and programs designed for use in schools and care settings to promote mental health literacy, clinical care capacity, self-care and psychoeducation, and evaluation of existing programs and interventions.

Mental health information (products and training programs) are designed to address the needs of youth ages 12 to 25 years, families, educators, health providers, policy makers and others. Read more ›

Juneteenth Teaching Resources [web resource]

Juneteenth, celebrated June 19, marks the day enslaved Texans learned they were free in June of 1865. While the history of the holiday includes the injustice of enslavement, Juneteenth should also be understood in the context of Black people’s fight for justice and freedom. Read more ›

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