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Tip 1: Daily routines help kids feel safe and confident

  • Plan regular times for healthy meals, play, and homework every day.
  • Kids need 9-12 hours of sleep every night to help them learn.
  • Get clothes and backpacks ready for school the night before.
  • Set aside regular one-on-one time, without screens, to do something relaxing and fun with your child.

Tip 2: Building connection boosts confidence

  • Visit the school together to meet teachers and see where your child will be spending their day.
  • Talk to your child about what they can expect before the school year starts.
  • If they are nervous, let them know it’s normal.
  • Have a buddy for bus rides or carpools to make going to school easier.
  • Reduce bullying by forming positive connections in after-school and mentoring programs.

Tip 3: Talking about their feelings builds trust

  • Ask your child: what was the best thing about your school day?
  • Acknowledge their feelings, even when emotions are tough because of conflict or disappointment.
  • Practice coping skills such as belly breathing.

Tip 4: You know your child best. If you think your child needs more help…

  • Talk to your child’s teachers about how you can support their needs at school.
  • If your child’s feelings are affecting their sleep or school, talk to school behavioral health staff or their doctor about ways to help.
  • Consider a health check-up to stay up-to-date on your child’s routine health care.

Download a PDF of this flyer and learn more about promoting mental health and well-being at school from the CDC.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Tips for a positive start to the school year!, | Public domain. Retrieved September 2024.

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