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2017-18 Annual Giving Donor Roll

Ally $2,500 – $4,999

William and Janice Anderson
Teresa and Joel Backman
Michael and Sheila Brand
Scott Carr and Marion Parr
Gordon and Carolyn Davidson
The Gans Family
Jim and Bonnie Keller
David and Laura Krane
Douglas and Shawn Mackenzie
Renu Nanda and Sanj Goyle
Tim and Ambrocia O’Rourke
Emmanuel and Meg Saint-Loubert-Bie
W. Ferrell and Page Sanders
Isaac and Madeline Stein
Jacqueline and Mark Thomas
Ted and Jen Ullyot
Fred Wiener and JoAnn Kukulus

Thank you for your confidence in CHC

Because of you we have been able to help more children and teens than ever before.

Now accepting donations for 2018-19

To make a gift, please contact CHC Director of Advancement Bill Gray at (650) 688-3667 or bgray@chconline.org.

Online donations are also accepted at chconline.org/support.

Care has been taken to provide an accurate report of all Annual Fund donors for gifts received between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. For corrections, please contact Tabitha S. Rowell at (650) 617-3815.