2017-18 Partner $1,000 – $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Maryan and Stephen Ackley
Alan Anderson and Beth Frensilli
Mark Ankenman and Amanda Edmonds
Apple, Inc.
Arjomand-Lehman Family Fund
Dick and Helen Babb
Joan Baran
Myles and Carol Berg
Mark and Jacqueline Berryman
Nancy and Terry Boyle
Faith Braff
John Buoymaster
Laura Cashion and Michael Hunter
Diane and Robert Cassil
Bruce and Gail Chizen
Dean and Wilma Chu
Nancy Clark
Craig Dauchy and Sue Crawford
Anne Dauer
Lloyd and Pamela Davies
Gaurang Desai and Nancy Paxton
Inger Dewey Golob
Brian and Ashley Dombkowski
Alan and Joan Earhart
Bob English and Anna Zara
Bruce Evans
Nick and Gail Farwell
John and Florine Galen
Steve Gazzera and Susan Coyle
Theodore and Francis Geballe
Charles and Nancy Geschke
Jerry and Mary Ham
Jim and Marsha Hannay
Steve and Lorraine Heitel
Hewlett Packard Matching Gifts Program
Lynette Hsu
Charles and Kacie Johnson
Maryan and Stephen Ackley
Alan Anderson and Beth Frensilli
Mark Ankenman and Amanda Edmonds
Apple, Inc.
Arjomand-Lehman Family Fund
Dick and Helen Babb
Joan Baran
Myles and Carol Berg
Mark and Jacqueline Berryman
Nancy and Terry Boyle
Faith Braff
John Buoymaster
Laura Cashion and Michael Hunter
Diane and Robert Cassil
Bruce and Gail Chizen
Dean and Wilma Chu
Nancy Clark
Craig Dauchy and Sue Crawford
Anne Dauer
Lloyd and Pamela Davies
Gaurang Desai and Nancy Paxton
Inger Dewey Golob
Brian and Ashley Dombkowski
Alan and Joan Earhart
Bob English and Anna Zara
Bruce Evans
Nick and Gail Farwell
John and Florine Galen
Steve Gazzera and Susan Coyle
Theodore and Francis Geballe
Charles and Nancy Geschke
Jerry and Mary Ham
Jim and Marsha Hannay
Steve and Lorraine Heitel
Hewlett Packard Matching Gifts Program
Lynette Hsu
Charles and Kacie Johnson
Kurt and Sue Jaggers
Nicole and Mark Kelley
Ramsey Khasho and Monique
Bernard and Jere King
Tracy Kirkham
Leonard Merrill Kurz
Joan Lane
Andrew and Nancy Leonard
Raymond and Joanne Lin Foundation
LinkedIn Corporation
Norma Love
Robert and Connie Lurie
Joseph and Noreen Maresca
Matt and Betsy Matteson
Tony and Linda Meier
Stephen and Janice Meisel
Rudolph and Bernice Moos
Boyce and Peggy Nute
Peter and Stephanie Oshman
Gregory and Carrie Penner
Jeff and Mary Pickard
Thomas and Carolyn Reese
Linda and Doug Rittenhouse
Stephen Ruoss and Alison Chubb
Bille Sarzin
Darryl Smith
Douglas and Barbara Spreng
Bill and Jennifer Stasior
Nicholas Targ and Elise Feldman
Marjorie Taylor
John and Amy Trobough
VMware Foundation
Melissa Ramirez Wagner
Leslie Walker Charitable Fund
Jim Wehrly and Rosalie Whitlock
Elizabeth Wolf
Bruce and Ariel Wooley
Nicole and Mark Kelley
Ramsey Khasho and Monique
Bernard and Jere King
Tracy Kirkham
Leonard Merrill Kurz
Joan Lane
Andrew and Nancy Leonard
Raymond and Joanne Lin Foundation
LinkedIn Corporation
Norma Love
Robert and Connie Lurie
Joseph and Noreen Maresca
Matt and Betsy Matteson
Tony and Linda Meier
Stephen and Janice Meisel
Rudolph and Bernice Moos
Boyce and Peggy Nute
Peter and Stephanie Oshman
Gregory and Carrie Penner
Jeff and Mary Pickard
Thomas and Carolyn Reese
Linda and Doug Rittenhouse
Stephen Ruoss and Alison Chubb
Bille Sarzin
Darryl Smith
Douglas and Barbara Spreng
Bill and Jennifer Stasior
Nicholas Targ and Elise Feldman
Marjorie Taylor
John and Amy Trobough
VMware Foundation
Melissa Ramirez Wagner
Leslie Walker Charitable Fund
Jim Wehrly and Rosalie Whitlock
Elizabeth Wolf
Bruce and Ariel Wooley
Thank you for your confidence in CHC
Because of you we have been able to help more children and teens than ever before.
Now accepting donations for 2018-19
To make a gift, please contact CHC Director of Advancement Bill Gray at (650) 688-3667 or bgray@chconline.org.
Online donations are also accepted at chconline.org/support.
Care has been taken to provide an accurate report of all Annual Fund donors for gifts received between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. For corrections, please contact Tabitha S. Rowell at (650) 617-3815.
- Pioneer
$50,000+ - Leader
$25,000 – $49,999 - Visionary
$10,000 – $24,999 - Champion
$5,000 – $9,999 - Ally
$2,500 – $4,999 - Partner
$1,000 – $2,499 - Friend
$1 – $999 - Endowment Gifts, Bequests and Planned Giving Pledges
- Grants
- Retail Partners
- 2017 Rocktoberfest
Corporate Sponsors - 2018 CHC Breakfast
Sponsors & Supporters - 2018 EdRev Expo Sponsors & Supporters
- Tribute Gifts